Adding to Old Teachings II

Adding to Old Teachings II
A.D. Vander Vliet, CLEC, 2016-08-14

Talk Outline:

Meditation: Reading the underlined parts of Narrative 1, p.4, 5 from: 'Sacred Texts of the World' (Zoroastrian).

Additions to three religions and one for today.

The common additions:
a. You are not alone [general tolerance];
b. validation of modern science results;
c. a religion specific addition.

Religion specific additions:
Christianity: World charity [Talk I];
Talk II: Hinduism: Purity, structural re-examination;
Buddhism: Renouncement re-examined, sangha is ….
Islam: Re-engage to history.

Combining results of talks I & II:
Today's global situation as a state of flux;
Change as fulcrum [pivot point].

A trace of human 'history':
The continuity of change from 60kya to today and the guidance that religions
provided to human conduct and functioning. (Reference the Zoroastrian meditation.)

A Word for Today:
First we use the results after 60ky of development as basis to define our
responsibility as humanity.
Secondly we formulate our own human perspective on humanity's existence within
the totality of Existence Divine. [A Framework to accommodate humanity's
religions, philosophies and ideologies.] ___________________________________________________________________